Get Help Dear Applicant, Hope to Own of Miami County, Indiana, is a Christian Housing Ministry through private donations and volunteer labor. Our purpose is to build homes for Families and sell it to them at no profit and no interest, for Families that otherwise could not afford to buy a home. Qualification for our program include: (1) You must live in Miami County, Indiana, for at least one year prior to applying. (2) You must have a housing need, and have Children under the age of 18. (3) Your income must fall within the following table: E-Mail us for income requirements. We are currently updating our table. (4) If approved for a HtO Home, we ask that you attend programs we offer to learn about home repair, maintenance, and budgeting, when offered. (5) If approved for a HtO Home, we require that all members of your household that are 18 years old (or older) be willing to work 200 hours of sweat-equity, prior to closing on your home. (6) 3% of the total cost of the home will be required as down payment.ApplicantType of Help Needed *HtO HomeHtO RepairsApplicant First Name *Applicant Last Name *Applicant Social Security Number *Co-ApplicantCo-Applicant First NameCo-Applicant Last NameCo-Applicant Social Security NumberContact InfoPhone Number *Email Address *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal CodeCurrent Housing *OwnRentYears at current addressDependentsDependent 1 Name *Dependent 1 Age *Dependent 2 NameDependent 2 AgeDependent 3 NameDependent 3 AgeDependent 4 NameDependent 4 AgeDependent 5 NameDependent 5 AgeDependent 6 NameDependent 6 AgeCurrent Housing ConditionsNumber of bedrooms *012345Monthly Payment/Rent *Describe current living conditions *Employment InformationEmployer NameStreet AddressApartment, suite, etcCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodePhoneYears EmployedMonthly Gross IncomeOther Household IncomeMonthly AmountIncome SourceMonthly AmountIncome SourceMonthly AmountIncome SourceMonthly AmountIncome SourceMonthly AmountIncome SourceMonthly AmountIncome SourceWhat is the source of the Down Payment and Closing Costs?AssetsName and Location of AssetAccount NumberBalanceName and Location of AssetAccount NumberBalanceName and Location of AssetAccount NumberBalanceName and Location of AssetAccount NumberBalanceDebt(To whom do you (or co-applicant) owe money to?)Debt DescriptionMonthly PaymentBalance RemainingDebt DescriptionMonthly PaymentBalance RemainingDebt DescriptionMonthly PaymentBalance RemainingDebt DescriptionMonthly PaymentBalance RemainingDebt DescriptionMonthly PaymentBalance RemainingMonthly Expenses (Utilities, Insurance, Phone, Food, etc)Expense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountExpense DescriptionMonthly AmountDeclarationsa. Do you (or co-applicant) have any outstanding judgements against you? *YesNob. Have you (or co-applicant) declared bankrupt in the last 7 years? *YesNoc. Have you (or co-applicant) had any property foreclosed on in the past 7 years? *YesNod. Have you (or co-applicant) currently involved in any lawsuits? *YesNoe. Are you (or co-applicant) currently paying Child Support or Alimony? *YesNof. Are you (and co-applicant) a U.S. Citizen? *YesNoIf you answered "Yes" to any question a through e, or "No" to question f, please provide an explanation below.Authorization and ReleaseI understand that by filing this application, I am authorizing Hope to Own to evaluate my actual need for the HtO Home Ownership Program (or Home Repair Program), my ability to repay the no-interest loan or other expenses involved, and my willingness to be a partner through sweat-equity. I also understand that the evaluation may include a credit check, employment verification, a criminal background check, a sex-offender registry check, and personal visits. I have answered all questions on this application Truthfully.And I understand that if I have not answered these questions Truthfully, my application may be denied and I will be disqualified from the HtO Program. This application will be retained by Hope to Own, even if it is not approved.Type Full Name if you agree to the above declaration. *Date *(Co-Applicant) Type Full Name if you agree to the above declaration.Date Submit Application